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Interview with Dr. Brown after AAIE 2024

Written by Nero Ho, Grace Hung, Irene Liao, Mandy Liao, Sophia Yu (‘29)

The primary focus of the Association for the Advancement of International Education (AAIE) is to bring together educational leaders from international schools worldwide to exchange new ideas and perspectives. During the conference in February 2024 , one of the major topics discussed was artificial intelligence (AI), which generated significant interest and discussion among attendees. Many teachers shared innovative approaches to understanding AI, aiming to teach students its correct usage and create safe environments for learning. Additionally, participants gained insights from their peers, learning about various initiatives and strategies used in their schools to support student learning.

Dr. Brown had discussions with many educational leaders including Dr. Guskey, Ken O'Connor, Dr. Lindsay Prendergast and Catarina Song Chen to discuss the merits of standards-based grading which AST implemented effectively a few years ago. Such interactions at AAIE provide leaders with valuable opportunities to network and learn from other scholars and educators. Dr. Brown acknowledges that while AST's improvement may not be directly attributed to each AAIE conference, collectively, these conferences do have an overall impact on AST's educational quality.


何柏翰、洪苡汝、廖子嫻、廖苡媗、余亮妍 (‘29) 撰稿

AAIE 主要的目的是讓來自世界各地的國際學校的教師們交流新的想法和觀點。在這場會議期間,討論的重點是人工智能(AI),這個議題引起了許多教育人士的興趣和關注。許多老師分享關於人工智能智慧,並且教導學生如何正確使用!此外,教師們也彼此分享,了解不同學校用於支持學生學習的各種創新和策略。

校長與Dr. Guskey、Dr. Ken O'Connor、Dr. Lindsay Prendergast和Catarina Song Chen等眾多教育界領袖進行了討論,談到了AST幾年前就開始有效實施的標準評分法的優點。 AAIE 會議為領導者提供了與其他學者和教育工作者建立聯繫並彼此學習的寶貴機會。 校長表示,雖然 AST 的進步可能不能直接歸因於他每次參加的AAIE 會議,但總體來說,這些會議確實對 AST 的教育品質產生了正面的影響。

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